Dyani is a celestial of creation, and oversees new life, evolution, and prosperity of nature. She usually appears to mortals as a mystical fawn, with purple fur and glowing amber eyes, she dances through the forest, creating lush gardens wherever she goes. Though rarely seen, those who are lucky enough to find her often write of her in myths and fairy tales.As a member of the celestial council, Dyani walks many planes. She nourishes indigenous life across galaxies and dimensions. She takes her duty very seriously, although sometimes she finds it frustrating. Dyani’s purpose is creation, but it’s not to oversee its protection. Dyani is incapable of combat, or direct intervention. She’s watched life blossom and fade on countless stars. She does her duty to create and nurture, but she is barred from intervening with conflict between indigenous species by celestial law.The vocation of the celestial council is to protect planets with life from galactic forces while allowing the life to flourish until a species becomes space-faring. Most species don’t make it this far, but the celestials believe it to be of the upmost importance that the beings of the planet learn this for themselves. Only once this is achieved, will the celestial council introduce themselves to the planet and connects them with other space-faring species across the universal alliance. Until this milestone is achieved, it is mandated that the celestials keep to themselves. This rule was introduced when multiple previous interventions ended in tragedy.Due to this ban from intervention, Dyani has allies on many planets with space-faring species. Many beings follow and worship each of the celestials as deities, and Dyani’s followers are scattered across the universe. Her followers are those who believe and enforce the prosperity of nature. One of Dyani’s beloved advisors, Elara, sits at her right hand and oversees a lot of the protection that Dyani is prevented from completing.Elara was an orphan on a planet Dyani was particularly fond of. In a very unlikely turn of events, Dyani decided to raise Elara. This was unprecedented for someone of the celestial council but living forever can sometimes be lonely, and something about Elara felt so pure and beautiful, which Dyani felt was worth protecting. Elara’s powers are far more destructive and specialized for combat, but she doesn’t seek it out. Elara is an extension of Dyani’s will and only uses her magics when Dyani’s vision for the planet is jeopardized. Elara was also gifted a familiar from Dyani, named Airi. This familiar is used so that they may communicate even when separated by distance or when Dyani is in the celestial realm. Airi is a conduit for Dyani and Elara, and also serves as a telepathic amplifier.